About the city guide barrier-free Bremen

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© Daniela Buchholz

The City Guide Accessible Bremen is a database with reliable information on accessibility. More precisely: you can find out about the accessibility and usability of many facilities in the city of Bremen. The information is for everyone:

  • For people who live in Bremen.
  • For people who are guests in Bremen.
  • For people planning a trip to Bremen.

In the city guide you can inform yourself before visiting an institution and decide for yourself whether it is a good idea to visit and use an institution. All data and information are collected and analysed objectively - i.e. independently of personal assessments. A standardised survey and evaluation procedure has been developed for this purpose. This means that there are fixed rules:

  • How the facilities are surveyed.
  • Which data is collected.
  • How the data is analysed, summarised and presented.

You will find a coloured arrow as a brief assessment for each destination surveyed in the city guide. This is an initial orientation and serves as a basis for selected and particularly concise features. Important: The categorisation is not a form of grading. Here you will find all the measurements behind the arrows: Criteria for a rough orientation

  • Barrier-free access and use dark green arrow
  • Largely accessible and usable light green arrow
  • Limited accessibility and usability orange arrow
  • Difficult to access and use red arrow

What does the dark green arrow mean?

Doors and passageways are at least 90 cm wide, relevant movement areas 150x150 cm. There are no barriers for people in wheelchairs, although doors that are difficult to open were not considered.

What does the light green arrow mean?

Doors and passageways are at least 80 cm wide, relevant manoeuvring spaces 120x120 cm. Thresholds have a maximum width of 3 cm.

What does the orange arrow mean?

Doors and passageways are at least 70 cm wide, relevant movement areas 100x100 cm. Individual steps up to 17 cm are possible.

What does the red arrow mean?

At least one barrier has been identified that is so great for almost all people in wheelchairs that the place cannot be used at all or can only be used with a great deal of assistance.

In addition to the brief assessment, each destination in a facility has a table with detailed data. For example: the width of a door, the gradient of a ramp or the manoeuvring space in front of the toilet.

More than 850 facilities have been surveyed since 2012. This is by no means all of the facilities available in Bremen. Two types of facilities in particular are surveyed for the city guide:

  1. cultural attractions such as the cathedral and town hall, museums and Bremen's theatres. However, this group also includes the Bremen Parliament, public offices and some advice centres. These facilities are always surveyed as to whether they are accessible or not.
  2. facilities that are of particular importance for everyday life. However, each one is not unique or without alternative. These are, for example: doctors' surgeries and other healthcare facilities, cinemas and pubs as well as public toilets. When making a selection, the main aim is to filter out from the multitude of existing offers those that are also easy to use for people who are dependent on a wheelchair (for example, pubs should have an accessible toilet).

The city guide barrier-free Bremen is part of the project and the portal of the same name "Bremen barrier-free". The office p+t planung has been commissioned by the City of Bremen with the realisation and further development of the project.

Questions and/or suggestions are always welcome - barrierefrei@bremen.de

Gezeichnete Skyline von Bremens prominentenen Gebäuden