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Declaration of Accessibility

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In the accessibility statement, we outline the status of implementation in the city portal and any connected instances. We give advice on the operating concept and enable contact with the project team in case questions or concerns arise.

© privat / Fotograf: K. Bünn

Declaration of Accessibility

The Bremen Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities Act (Bremisches Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz, BremBGG), Directive (EU) 2016/2102 and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 have been used to create this website. The accessibility requirements are based on the Harmonised European Standard EN 301 549.

The basic functions (layout, navigation, site structure, mobile view) were evaluated for accessibility throughout their creation process by the web development team of the bremen.online department of the WFB Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen GmbH by making use of the WCAG test and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1.

Revisions are made on a constant basis during ongoing operations.

We aim to make this website as accessible as possible, regardless of technical capabilities and limitations. Therefore, we are constantly improving the user-friendliness of this webpage.

This statement was issued in August 2020 and last updated on March 19, 2021.

Feedback and Contact Details

If you encounter barriers on our webpages, please send an email with a detailed description to barrierefreiheit@bo-bremen.de. You may add screenshots and the complete URL as these are always helpful.

The web development department of bremen.online at WFB Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen GmbH is working on barrier-free accessibility. Our trained employees are responsible for processing the feedback messages.

The following content and operating controls are currently not providing barrier-free access

We strive to make this website as accessible as possible. Nevertheless, it is possible that certain content may not be accessible due to software updates.

With existing technology, we are able to offer barrier-free access on a large scale. However, in rare cases we are not yet able to provide complete accessibility since such content is made available to us by third parties. Due to technical or copyright reasons we are limited in presenting content in an accessible manner. However, we aim to use low-barrier technology in these cases.

The following problems are currently known:

  • In many cases, the color contrasts are not sufficient for the level AAA according to section 1.4.x of the WCAG. In rare cases, the level AA cannot be fulfilled due to the corporate design. Solution approaches are currently lacking, but the problem is planned to be addressed.
  • The subtitles for videos in silent passages are not flawless. An optimization is currently being carried out to better meet the guidelines from section 1.2.2 of the WCAG.
  • Text alternatives of the audio files for the audio guide are currently not available. This matter will be fixed in order to correspond to the requirement from section 1.2.2 of the WCAG.
  • The markup language is inconsistent with respect to words in other languages but will be fixed to meet the requirement of section 3.1.2 of WCAG.
  • Mechanisms for identifying the expanded form of abbreviations and acronyms are lacking. The issue will be fixed in order to correspond to the requirement of section 3.1.4 of WCAG.
  • Automatically rotating elements lack a highly visible feature to turn off movements. Thereby the guidelines of section 2.2.2 of WCAG are not complied with. The issue will be addressed.
  • The level of accessibility of externally supplied PDF documents is not consistent, which contradicts various sections of the WCAG. Together with external suppliers the problem will be addressed to ensure accessibility in the future.
  • The level of accessibility of third-party content ("embeds") is not consistent. As several requirements of various sections of the WCAG are not met, the problem will be handled.
  • The map applications do not provide accessibility.

Operating Instructions

You can reach the individual sections of the collapsible list by pressing the tab key. To open or close a section of the list, please press the enter key once more.

You can access the individual sections of the accordion by pressing the tab key. To open or close an accordion section, please press the enter key.

Documents and in particular PDF files are generally accessible on the website. Exceptions to this rule may be documents and PDF files that have been made available to us by third parties, which represent an additional offer or whose content is also available as an HTML alternative.

A correct semantic structure has been implemented on the website. Headings are consistently used to subdivide and better structure the web pages. We have added descriptive names to web links in order to make their function understandable. Hidden text has been added to inform you when a link opens a new window or tab in your browser.

The website is equally optimized for different resolutions and provides an optimized display for mobile devices.

Alternatively, our web pages can be operated with the keyboard. To do so, use the following keys:

  • To select/deselect a control field, use the space bar.
  • To move forward between links, use the tab key.
  • To move backward between links, use the shift key and the tab key simultaneously.
  • To execute a command, select the corresponding button and press enter.

To open the offered PDF documents, a PDF reader is needed. The program can be downloaded via the Internet free of charge. Often, the web browser is able to perform this function directly.

To change the display size, press and hold the Ctrl key and move the scroll wheel on the mouse, or hold down the Ctrl key and use the plus key to zoom in or the minus key to zoom out. Alternatively, you can change the font size using the browser settings. For more explanations, check the help options of your browser.

To enable font smoothing in Windows, click the search box on the taskbar and type cleartype. Select "Adjust ClearType text" from the search results. The ClearType Text Tuner should open. In a next step select the "Turn on ClearType" checkbox to enable ClearType.

Using your own style (colours, fonts) is possible via import. When using Internet Explorer, select Tools> Internet Options> Accessibility. Then select the desired checkboxes to ignore colours, font styles or font sizes. Within the same window, you can select the checkbox "Format documents using my style sheet". Then browse for your preferred style sheet and confirm your entry by clicking OK. You will then receive a choice of colours and fonts.

You can find the full text search at the top above the red menu bar. Tips for searching:

  • Umlauts (ö, ä, ü) are recognized.
  • If you enter more than one search word, they will be "and"-linked.
  • There is no distinction between upper and lower case.
  • After a successful search you can make use of different filters to limit the results.
  • To search for a coherent group of words, put expressions or names in quotation marks, e.g. "Freie Hansestadt Bremen".

Accessibility is provided for online forms in order to ensure unrestricted access to make requests, perform content searches, and carry out interactions.

We have added descriptive alternative text to all informative images (and images of text), while all purely decorative images (such as background images) are equipped with null alternative text to highlight that no alternative text is present.

Videos are generally embedded via YouTube. However, accessibility cannot be guaranteed. We strive to make this content as accessible as possible by marking it accordingly. You can use the corresponding controls of the YouTube player to show or hide existing subtitles.

We offer an RSS feed that provides you with important information on various subjects.

Different image content is displayed in the slider. These images rotate and are changed through a swipe effect. Operating the slider is possible with the keyboard.

Gezeichnete Skyline von Bremens prominentenen Gebäuden