Accommodations for Students

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Studying and living in Bremen.

© WFB; Frank Pusch

Whether you can really feel at home in a city depends not least on having a nice home. Which neighbourhood is right for me? Would I like to live in a shared flat? Or can I perhaps afford a flat on my own? Especially at the start of the semester, many students in Bremen are looking for a suitable home and available flats are in high demand. We have put together some addresses and links to help you find accommodation.

Neighbourhoods near the University of Bremen, DAV, FOM, IU and APOLLON

Student residences

The rents here are generally more favourable than on the free housing market. In addition, the rooms are usually furnished, which is often an advantage for first-year students in particular. Interested parties can look for various offers ranging from one-room flats to four-room flats. If you would like to find out more or apply for a flat in a hall of residence, please contact the Studierendenwerk Bremen.

Neighbourhoods near the Hochschule Bremen

Wohnen für Hilfe

"Wohnen für Hilfe" is an intergenerational housing concept in which older people make vacant living spaces available. Payment" is not made in euros per square metre, but in hours per square metre. The purpose of this unusual shared flat is to utilise the advantages for both parties: Support for landlords, favourable rent for tenants. A friendly relationship brings additional benefits for both.

You can find more information on the Studierendenwerk Bremen website.

Neighbourhoods near the Hochschule für Künste (HFK)

Neighbourhoods near Constructor University

Districts of Bremen

There are also many other neighbourhoods that invite you to live here. You can get an overview of Bremen's neighbourhoods in our overview. From vibrant trendy districts to quieter neighbourhoods in the countryside, the city on the Weser has a variety of districts to suit different needs. Weiterlesen

Auf einer Kreuzung fährt ein Oldtimer. AM Rand sind Fahrräder angeschlossen. Die Sonne scheint auf die Straße

© WFB - Tank

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Living in Bremen


Schwarzes Brett

You can find vacant flats from both private and commercial providers on the notice board "Schwarzes Brett". Shared flats also advertise vacant rooms here. You can give landlords the opportunity to contact you by placing your own advert in the ‘flat/rental requests’ section. And if your flat search is successful, you can look for bargains for household items and furnishings on the notice board.

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© Adobe Stock / Marko Novkov

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Studying in Bremen

© Universität Bremen

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Support and Help during your Studies

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