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BremenCARD - All you need to know

Logo of Bremen Card with writing: "BremenCard the official citycard incl. bus&train"
Save money and explore Bremen in style!


Whether you’re planning a short trip with the family, a visit with friends or a romantic break, the BremenCARD offers value for money! It entitles the holder to attractive discounts in many of Bremen’s museums, theatres and other cultural venues. Use the card on local public transport and enjoy tasty discounts in selected Bremen restaurants.


Discounts generally apply only to full-price admission tickets and are not valid for special exhibitions in museums. The BremenCARD is issued to a named individual and is not transferable. It is therefore valid only when accompanied by official identification. Participants’ names must be provided when ordering. The card is issued for specific dates and does not need to be validated before use. After payment, no cancellation or modifications are possible.

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© WFB/Jonas Ginter

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