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Study with Kids

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We show you offers and tips to organize your studies with children.

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Studying requires a lot of organization. Especially when students are parents at the same time, the requirements of the course of study have to be reconciled with childcare, everyday tasks and, not infrequently, a part-time job. Some offers and tips can help you organize your studies with a child or children.

Are you already a parent and want to start studying first? Then a hardship application for the upbringing of a child can improve the prospect of admission to a course of study that was not achieved according to the usual procedure ( A-levels or waiting semesters). Please contact the Central Advising Office of the university you are aiming for.

As (expectant) parents, you have the option of taking a semester off before or after pregnancy. However, you should bear in mind that semesters of leave have an impact on your entitlement to BAföG and child benefit payments, as well as on social security regulations. The universities also regulate individually to what extent leaves of absence affect participation in examinations and how many semesters of leave are possible.

According to the Bremen Study Account Act, students receive a study credit of semesters in which no tuition fees are due. This study credit is calculated based on various indicators, such as place of residence or age at the start of studies. After the designated tuition credit has been used up, fees become due. Students who care for and raise at least one child up to the age of twelve during their studies may apply to be exempt from fees for up to six semesters.

Der Eingangsbereich der Universität Bremen

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Die Universität Bremen heißt jedes Semester Studierende aus aller Welt willkommen.

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Family guide

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Parental allowance and BAföG

Parents are entitled to parental allowance. As a rule, you will receive 65 percent of the average net income of the last 12 months. However, if the net income is less than 1000 euros per month, the parental allowance is increased. Non-working, student parents are entitled to a parental allowance of 300 euros per month for a period of 12 months, which is not offset against BAföG. (Status July 2022)

Detailed information on parental allowance is available from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

Parents are entitled to a number of financial benefits from the state. For studying (expectant) parents, these entitlements apply only in exceptional cases. Information on these exceptions can be found at the Family Guide

For students with children, some exceptions apply when receiving BAföG. The BAföG law informs you about the rights of students with children: www.das-neue-bafoeg.de

If you are not entitled to BAföG or if you live with someone who is not entitled to BAföG, you can apply for housing allowance under certain circumstances. You will be informed about the possibilities by the Senator for Environment, Construction and Transport.
If you would like to find childcare for your child on your campus, please contact the counseling centers of the universities.

If you are looking for a childcare place outside your university, you can find available places on the bulletin board or via the childcare compass.

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