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Children's and Baby Swimming in Bremen

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Offers for all ages

© fotolia / Iuliia Sokolovska

Many of Bremen's swimming pools offer special courses and programmes for little swimmers and those who want to become swimmers. Here you can get an overview.

Movement in the water is not only fun, good swimming skills can even be essential for survival. In addition, coordination skills are promoted and important muscle regions are trained.

Baby Swimming

Baby swimming is a playful way for parents and their babies to discover the fun of movement in warm water, which is particularly important for motor and emotional development. Posture and breathing are also positively influenced.

Babies from about 3 months can take part.

Toddler Swimming

Here, 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 year old children can learn their first balance and gymnastic exercises in the water together with their parents in order to promote muscular development.
From the age of 2 1/2 years, there is more playing and romping. The first swimming exercises are also slowly tried out.

These Bremen facilities specialise in baby and toddler swimming courses:

Kinderbeine unter Wasser mit Luftmatratze

© katharazzi.com

Schwimmen lernen macht nicht nur Spaß, sondern ist auch wichtig für die gesundheitliche Entwicklung

Swimming Lessons for Children

In the swimming courses for children from about 4 years of age, things really get going: Here, breaststroke, diving and jumping are practised first. At the end of the course there is the examination for the " Seepferdchen" and later for the " Bronze Abzeichen".

These Bremen swimming pools offer swimming courses for children:



Holiday Intensive Courses

During the holidays, intensive courses are also offered in the facilities of the "Bremer Bäder", in which swimming beginners or more advanced water rats can acquire their Seepferdchen or Bronze badge within 10 days of lessons. For more information on these courses, please contact the respective pools.

Children's Birthday Parties at the Swimming Pool

Party at the swimming pool? In addition to swimming, playing and romping, an entertainment programme is also offered on request. In addition, toys are provided, there is a delicious children's menu and a present for the birthday child.

These pools offer a birthday programme for children:

  • Freizeitbad Vegesack
  • Westbad
  • OTeBad
  • Schlossparkbad
  • Vitalbad Vahr
  • Stadionbad
  • Freibad Blumenthal

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