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Häfen District

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Industry and Harbours

© WFB/bremen.online - MDR

The "Häfen" is the only neighbourhood in Bremen that not only spans across both sides of the Weser river, but also over two cities. In addition to the harbour area of the city centre of Bremen, a section of the Überseehafen in the city of Bremerhaven belongs to the neighbourhood – even so, it remains the least populated.

Impressions of Häfen

Quintessential Häfen

It’s not surprising that industry, containers, and ships are characteristic of the neighbourhood. All along the extended length of waterfront, freighters with goods are docked. Harbour romantics are in for a treat here - those up for a long walk will be rewarded with views of cranes, quays, and ships. And if you walk directly at the river’s edge, you can enjoy the thrill of having the sides of ships towering metres above your head.

Not to Be Missed in Häfen

Data and Facts

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118 (Stand 12/2019)

Surface Area: 

30,505 km²


Industriehäfen, Neustädter Hafen, Hohentorshafen, stadtbremisches Überseehafengebiet Bremerhaven



Good to Know!

Until 2009, this large neighbourhood was even bigger - 4.5-square metres bigger - the Handleshäfen section was once part of the neighbourhood. Now Handleshäfen belongs to the Überseestadt, which is a part of Walle. With the introduction of container shipping in the 1960s, the harbour basin of this area, built to handle piece goods, became increasing obsolete. In 1998, the Überseestadt was landfilled, laying the groundwork for a brand-new quarter. The Überseestadt is today one of Europe’s largest inner-city development areas. The area is a mixture of offices for creative business and attractive water-side apartments.

Vogelperspektive auf eine Stadt, in der Mitte ein Fluss; Quelle: WFB/Studio B

© WFB/Studio B

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