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Zero Waste Shops in Bremen

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Discover different zero waste shops in Bremen!

© WFB/yoezer

Sustainability is becoming more and more important in today's world. To do your part, do you shop unpackaged food? Then you've come to the right place. Here are some shops in Bremen where you can shop sustainably and without packaging.

1 SelFair

Selfair is centrally located in the viertel district. The zero waste shop was the first of its kind in Bremen. Here you can find everything your sustainable heart desires - from lentils, detergent and pulses to fresh fruit and vegetables. The shop also offers hygiene products and a fresh produce counter with cheese, dips, olives and Turkish meze. You can even shop here on Sundays!

Die Abfüllstation von Selfair mit Nüssen, Pasta und Müsli. Ebenfalls kann man auch einen Teil der Gemüsetheke sehen.

© WFB/yoezer

2 Füllkorn

At Füllkorn, you can buy classic products such as cereals, pasta and much more. Two highlights also await you in the shop on Kornstraße: in the sweets corner you will find chocolate sultanas and chocolate-covered peanuts, and you can grind your own flour from various grains.

Zu sehen sind diverse Aufbewahrungsboxen aus Glas mit verschieden Süßigkeiten, wie Apfelchips, Lakritzstangen und Gummibärchen.

© WFB/yoezer

3 L´Epicerie

The shop with the French name is located just behind the Wilhelm-Kaisen-Brücke on the edge of Neustadt. At L'Epicerie you can get everything that makes your sustainable beauty heart beat faster. The assortment includes various soaps, hygiene products, menstrual cups and peelings. You will also find a large selection of wine, dried fruits and tomatoes.

Zu sehen ist das Sortiment des Ladens. Es befindet sich im Vordergrund Holzgeschirr und im Hintergrund sind Hygieneprodukte zu sehen.

© WFB/yoezer

4 Heimathaven

Located in the heart of the Viertel district and still using the original colonial goods store shelves, you’ll find Heimathaven. The goods adorn the stylish old shelves and take you on a journey back in time. You'll find products like teas, granola, handmade spreads, chocolates, craft beer and an extensive range of spirits from all over the world. You can also buy tickets to various tastings from craft beer to rum, gin, whisky and even coffee.

Die vollen Regale in Holtorfs Heimathaven.

© IKrause

Die vollen Regale in Holtorfs Heimathaven.

5 Glückswinkel

This shop has it all! In Bremerhaven's first zero waste shop you can get everything from bamboo toothbrushes, washing-up liquid and fashion to baby carriers. Here you can not only buy unpackaged, but also find a large selection of second-hand and green fashion. The assortment list is regularly expanded.

Bunte Seifen in einem Korb.

© Glückswinkel

Bunte Seifen in einem Korb.

6 Flotte Karotte

In Findorff, you can fill fruit and vegetables as well as coffee and cereals into containers that you have brought with you. You can also find plastic-free lunch boxes, drinking bottles and bags for filling up at Flotte Karotte.

Abgebildet ist eine Gemüsetheke

© Flotte Karotte

7 Kornkraft

Sustainability is a top priority at Kornkraft in Habenhausen. The organic shop already pays attention to products with less plastic and packaging when selecting the assortment. Many products are also offered in bulk and at the unpackaged station you can fill your own grains or muesli into containers that you have brought with you.
Here you can also get alternative packaging options, such as fruit and vegetable nets, cotton bread bags, reusable egg boxes or deposit freezer bags. Cheese or olives can be filled into containers that you bring with you. The organic food shop also has a collection point for cotton bags.

Verkäuferin schaut in die Kamera, während sie ein Glas mit Körner füllt.

© Kornkraft Bioladen

8 REWE Auf der Hohwisch

This REWE has a special feature in store for you: Here you will find a filling station for cereals, pasta, muesli and sweets. All you have to do is choose a container on the spot and the fun can begin. The goods are then weighed and paid for at the checkout. In addition to the filling station, you can also buy vegetables and fruit plastic-free. Weightless cloth bags are available for this purpose. You can also choose products without packaging at the meat and cheese counter.

Eine Frau hält einen Glasbehälter unter eine Abfüllstation und füllt ihn mit Nudeln.

© Fotolia/ Werner

9 Füllerei Findorff

Nele, Caro and Nora have opened the Füllerei in Findorff and are looking forward to your visit. The assortment includes dry groceries, hygiene products, cleaning products and all kinds of accessories for the bathroom, the kitchen and a low-waste lifestyle. Special highlights at the Füllerei: the nut mill and regional milk from the Kaemena farm.

You can find all the tips in Bremen here

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