Shakespeare im Park - Outdoor Theatre in Bürgerpark Bremen

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The Bürgerpark transforms into an open-air theatre at the end of August

© Shakespeare Company / Marianne Menke

Every summer, the Shakespeare Company builds a stage with a very special backdrop - in the middle of the Bürgerpark. Experience great theatre outdoors. 

Where and When?

The date for 2025 is yet to be announced.


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bremer shakespeare company


© Marianne Menke

Open Air Theatre in Bürgerpark - Sit Back and Enjoy!

A special experience for theatre lovers and outdoor fans is the annual theatre festival of the bremer shakespeare company. For "Shakespeare im Park" the company moves its stage to the green backdrop of Bürgerpark.

This year, visitors can look forward to a total of seven performances under the open sky, surrounded by mighty trees and idyllic watercourses.

In addition to the Shakespeare classics "Measure for Measure", "The Comedy of Errors" in German and Turkish and "Macbeth" in English, the two classics "Don Quixote de la Mancha" by Miguel de Cervantes and "Pinocchio, for adults only!" by Carlo Collodi will also be performed. The highlight, as it has been for many years, is "A Midsummer Night's Dream". Here, however, it is time to say goodbye, because the two performances on Sunday, 27 August, are the last two!

The plays are performed in German.

Eine Aufnahme der Veranstaltung. Zuschauer sitzen gespannt im Grünen und sehen auf die Bühne und sehen eine Vorstellung von "Sommernachtstraum an"

© bremer shakespeare company

Fair and Bad Weather Tickets

Guests needed worry if the weather proves too inclement to enjoy an outdoor performance. When the weather doesn’t allow for an outdoor performance, the play takes place inside at the Theater am Leibnizplatz. The theatre has a seating capacity for an audience of up to 300.

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