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Studying in Bremen

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Get to know Bremen as a study location.

© Universität Bremen

With a wide range of subjects and research areas, Bremen is a diverse university location that offers attractive opportunities for an academic career. Over 37,000 students are currently studying at four public and five private universities. Learn more about the organization and student life in Bremen.

Bird's eye view of the Technology Park at the University of Bremen

Universitys & Colleges

© WFB/Jonas Ginter

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Studying is more than just learning! Here you will find tips on leisure activities, catering and much more.

© Universität Bremen

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New in Bremen

Have you moved to Bremen to study? Here you can find tips for settling in!

© WFB/Jonas Schmidt

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Support and Help during your Studies

Numerous contact points are available to provide you with help and advice in various situations.

© Adobe Stock / contrastwerkstatt

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Studierendenwerk Bremen

Your contacts for topics such as BAföG, social counselling, psychological help and much more.

© Studierendenwerk Bremen

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Accommodations for Students

© Studierendenwerk Bremen

Studying for Everyone

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© WFB / Carina Tank

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There's always something happening in Bremen!

© WFB/Jens Hagens

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Museums and Science

© WFB Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen GmbH / Ingo Wagner

Gezeichnete Skyline von Bremens prominentenen Gebäuden