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  5. Flowering Season in Rhododendron Park

Flowering Season in Rhododendron Park

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Over 3000 varieties of more than 600 rhododendron.


Where & When

April to June 


Opening hours
7 am until sunset

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Rhododendron Park

© Seniorenlotse

Between the months of April and June, over 3,000 varieties of more than 600 rhododendron and azalea species transform the 46 hectares of the Rhododendron Park into a riot of colour. This tremendous collection of plants, unparalleled on the European mainland, has always been a magnet for visitors young and old. The months of May and June are traditionally considered to be the main flowering period for the many varieties of rhododendron.

The less hardy varieties of this colourful, woody shrub can already be in full bloom in February if kept in frost-free greenhouses. The botanika display greenhouses in Bremen's Rhododendron Park are home to a collection of non-hardy rhododendron that is unrivalled in central Europe. The majority of the plants that can be seen here are in full bloom in the months of March and April. Visitors can immerse themselves in the nature of the Himalayas, Borneo and Japan and in the culture of Asia. Covering an area of 800m², the interactive "Discovery centre" with its spectacular multimedia displays provides a hands-on experience with lots of fun.

Hauptblüte im Rhododendronpark Bremen

© WFB/Ingrid Krause

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