Best Views in Bremen

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Enjoy the best views in Bremen

© WFB / Jonas Ginter

Check out the numerous spots from which to gaze upon the best views in Bremen. Here are our recommendations for the best views in Bremen and where to find the best photo spots along the Weser, across the broad northern German countryside or from high above.

1 Metalhenge

You can enjoy a great panoramic view of Bremen from the 40-meter-high so called “trash mountain”, which is the highest mountain in Bremen. The platform is publicly accessible and open 24/7, 365 days a year. Besides being reminiscent of Stonehenge, the artwork Metalhenge is an astronomical viewpoint. The steles located to the east mark the rising points of selected stars on the horizon, while the ones to the west indicate the points of the sunset and moonset.

2 Stephanibrücke

As the city of Bremen is located directly on the water, a special atmosphere is present. Therefore, the Weser is a must-see for any visitor. Gazing at the river in the evening hours is especially enchanting, with the lights of the promenades bouncing off the water. Particularly pretty is the view from the Stephanibrücke in the direction of the Schlachte or, as shown in the photo below, from the promenade in the Überseestadt near the GOP Varieté Theater.

Nächtlicher Ausblick auf die Weser in Richtung Zentrum.

© WFB / Jonas Ginter

3 Bamberger Hochhaus (Volkshochschule)

Bremen from above awaits you on the roof terrace of the “Bamberger Hochhaus”. During the opening hours of the community college (Volkshochschule), which is located within the building, you can enjoy an all-around view from the top of the building. During summer months, a green scenery awaits you on the roof: Bremen's highest urban gardening project.

Blick vom Dach des Bamberger Hochhauses in Richtung Innenstadt an einem Sommertag.

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4 Observation Tower on the Hollerdeich

Admire the panorama outside of town on the dike named Hollerdeich in Oberneuland. The oberservation tower allows you to take in the views of a nature reserve, the "Borgfelder Wümmewiesen". Combine a trip to the tower with an extended bike ride – the routes along the dike are worth it!

Aussichtsturm am Hollerdeich

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5 Molenfeuer

The lighthouse "Molenfeuer" is a little treasure with a big view over the Weser. The charming lighthouse with the nickname mouse tower is located at the forefront of the harbor basin in the Überseestadt. The peaceful surrounding area offers a great opportunity to watch the sun go down.

Blick zwischen zwei kräftig gewachsenen Baumstämmen hindurch auf den Molenturm in der Überseestadt

© WFB / Frank Pusch

6 The South Tower of St. Peter’s Cathedral

In the heart of the city center, 265 steps separate you from a wonderful view over the entire city center. Conquer the 98.5-meter-high southern tower of the cathedral from April to October and admire the view over Bremen from high above. Keep in mind the opening hours of the St. Peter's Cathedral (St. Petri Dom).

Ein Blick vom St. Petri Dom auf den Marktplatz; Quelle:


7 City Garden Vegesack

The City Garden of Vegesack (Stadtgarten Vegesack) not only contains many distinctive botanical species, it also offers spectacular views. This public park is located directly on the Weser. Climb a set of stairs to get an amazing view of the beautiful garden and the river.

Von einer Aussichtsplattform kann man über einen Park gucken. Im Hintergrund ist die Weser zu sehen.


8 Utkiek an’n Weser Stadion

The big bend in the Weser is not only a prominent location for the Weser Stadium, here you will also find the "Utkiek an'n Weser Stadion". Utkiek an’n Weser Stadion - that’s Low German for "The View from the Weser Stadium". It is situated in the middle of the bend and offers great views upstream and downstream.

Die Sonne senkt sich über der Weser und taucht die Landschaft in goldenes Licht.

© WFB Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen GmbH / Jens Lehmkühler

9 Wallanlagen

The "Wallanlagen" are an oasis in the middle of the city. Numerous benches to sit on and the chance to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city make it a popular spot for lunch breaks. A particularly beautiful corner can be found behind the Wilhelm Wagenfeld House. Two benches are located directly near the water and offer a nice opportunity to admire the panorama.

Eine Mühle auf einer Erhebung, davor ein großes Blumenbeet

© GmbH / Dennis Siegel

10 Mehrzweckhochhaus (MZH) at the University of Bremen

The eight-floor balcony of the MZH building at the University of Bremen offers an unobstructed view across the horizon. When the weather is nice, the skyline of Bremen is clearly recognizable: look for the Weser Stadium, St. Peter’s Cathedral and the TV tower.

Blick vom Mehrzweckhochhaus der Uni Bremen bei Sonnenuntergang


11 Melchersbrücke Bürgerpark

All throughout the "Bürgerpark" there are numerous idyllic spots with beautiful views. A particularly picturesque scenery awaits you around the Melchers Bridge (Melchersbrücke). Check out the view on both sides of the bridge. Discover the Dorint Park Hotel on the one hand and the "Meierei" on the other.

Der Bürgerpark im Herbst mit bunt gefärbten Bäumen mit Blick von einer Brücke.


12 Terrace of the Haus des Reichs

We admit that one doesn’t usually associate the tax office with a wonderful view. But behind the massive walls of the House of the Empire (Haus des Reichs) sceptics will be won over. From the terrace of the restaurant "La Cantina" guests can take in a panoramic view of the Wallanlagen and the city center.

Blick auf die Wallanlagen vom Restaurant La Cantina im Haus des Reichs.

© / BKO

Here you can find the best views

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